About Us

The district currently has 2,318 students enrolled. There are a total of 107 children enrolled at Little Hearts, 25 are children of Unit 40 employees. East Side Preschool is home to 130 preschool aged students. ELC is home to 141 kindergarten students. South Side is home to 274 first and second grade students. Central Grade School is home to 498 students in 2nd through 5th grades. Effingham Junior High School has 470 students currently enrolled in grades 6-8. Effingham High School has approximately 718 students enrolled in grades 9-12.
We have 7 Board members elected by the community to set policy and direction for the district. Employees of the district include 16 administrators,190 certified teachers, and 191 classified staff including bus chaperones, bus drivers, cooks, custodians, lunch supervisors, maintenance, nurses, secretaries, and teachers’ aides. The district covers 127.7 square miles.
Thank you, taxpayers and the community, for continuing to support our schools. We spend an immense amount of time trying to create a budget that will provide us with the funds to educate our students in a manner that is very pleasing to our community.
Core Values and Beliefs: In Effingham…
We value individual contributions, opinions, and beliefs to build trust for a successful team.
We respect individuals: their unique lives, passions, and talents.
We honor responsive and coordinated communication.
We celebrate the achievements and victories of all.
We value the respectful exchange of ideas and celebrate our diversity.
We believe the safety of all is crucial for effective learning.
We foster all to realize their potential and develop through personal growth.