Technology Department » Tech Service

Tech Service

After our network issue in February 2023, the technology team has been working hard to support and secure the 4,000+ staff and student devices and other technology equipment that are required to provide the best learning environment for our students in the digital age. 


For cybersecurity, we continually monitor activity with our antivirus platform and filtering product, enforce two-factor authentication, and have implemented stricter password policies (even for our youngest users, 1st-5th grade students). In August 2023, we replaced every copier in the district with new machines. We assisted in the South Side renovation by updating technology infrastructure and devices. The current 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 9th grade classes and South Side teachers and all administrators were issued new laptops. Approximately 150 new desktops were installed at the Board Office, Transportation, EHS, and South Side. With USAC funding, we updated our WAN and LAN infrastructure and have plans for fiber builds to the EJHS warehouse and EHS sports complex. We implemented a new ticketing system for staff and students to improve workflow and efficiencies and the tracking of technology inventory. With a focus on security, 50+ additional security cameras have been installed throughout the district as phase one of three.


For upcoming projects, we are excited to bring SMART interactive flat panels and new desktops to Central, new laptops for teachers at ELC and EJHS, and new laptops for next year’s 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 9th grade classes. We are also establishing policies and practices on the use of AI and plan to conduct additional audits to improve our security posture.


Finally, we are thrilled with the addition of our new marketing/communications specialist. We will be working behind the scenes on some exciting updates to our website, app, and communication platforms over the next several months.


Default Settings Instructions

Expand the video to full screen and pause as needed.
Prefer written directions? Click here-

Quick Links

Student Tech Help Ticket- Service Request:  Is your device broken or not operating correctly? Try restarting the device. If that does not work, submit a tech ticket for your device. Click here and then sign in with your district Google account. Students cannot submit tickets for other students.
Written Instructions to Setup Your Default Settings: Read the directions and follow the screenshots for laptop setup. 
Video Instructions to Setup Your Default Settings: Watch the video tutorial (4:44) for laptop setup.
One-to-One iPad & Laptop Manual (2023-2024)
Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)